Weawow is a weather forecast service with beautiful photos by photographers.
The photos reflect the current weather at your location, showing you whether it’s fair, cloudy, rainy, snowy, so you can decide whether you’ll need your umbrella or your sunglasses when you go out.
When you open the Weawow app, you’re likely to encounter unexpected "Wow" photos, rather than a boring, text-based forecast. And that’s not all: if you take "Wow" photos yourself, you can post your "Wow" photos from our Website. Then, we can integrate them into the app, where they’ll be seen by weather watchers all over the world (the app is available in over 50 languages).
The Weawow marketplace also allows you to promote and sell your beautiful photos to people around the world who care about the weather.

With many data sources and an easy-to-understand screen, you'll be able to judge upcoming weather conditions for yourself.
You free from the stress of annoying advertisements, there are no tracking mechanisms to monitor your actions. (In the case of the website, if you log in to Weawow, the advertisements will no longer be displayed.)
Through beautiful weather photos that transcend borders, people can forget about conflict, and we contribute to world peace. When people see a photo of a golden sunset sinking over the horizon, they will surely feel calm and gentle.
I declare that through Weawow, I will contribute to the development of human civilization and world peace.

The Weawow is sustained by user donations. If you like the Weawow and want to support the Weawow project, please donate to us.
Of course, this is not mandatory, so please feel free to use the app.


Google Play
App Store




WMO International Weather Apps Awards 2020
WMO International Weather Apps Awards 2020
Award for design and presentation of information – user-friendliness, access, customization
Award for submissions from the private sector

Operating company

Weawow Inc.
2-26-1-602, Tsurumaki, Tama-shi, Tokyo 206-0034 Japan


Kei Shinohara

Kei Shinohara

Actually, Weawow is not a team. It's a solo project.
Since I founded Weawow in 2016, I have been doing almost all the tasks by myself, including apps development, backend development, screen design, user support, etc, in order to make the best weather app.
(My wife sometimes helps me by checking the weather photos posted if the weather condition tag in the photo is correct, if the photo is OK to display, etc.)
Weawow's income is very low compared to other weather services because most of it comes from kindness donations.
To make up for this, I am operating the service by reducing costs such as server fees as much as possible.
I am 50 years old and have recently noticed a decline in my physical strength, including a sudden decline in my eyesight.
Any donations towards hiring a staff member would be a great help to the Weawow project.
I will report on any progress here.
That was a bit of a pessimistic story, but I'm doing very well and there are no problems with the Weawow project.
So please don't worry.
My dream is for the Weawow project to continue for another 200 years, until we reach Type 1 on the Kardashev scale.
Because at the current level of human civilization, it is not possible to make 100% accurate weather forecasts, I believe that it is necessary to compare and consider many data sources.
But in 200 years there will be no more weather FORECASTS services, but 100% accurate weather PLANNING services.

© 2025 Weawow English