Photos are displayed based on location and weather conditions, time of day and season.
If you see photos that do not match, please contact us. We have an algorithm that we are constantly developing based on feedback information.
If you want to find a place for which you want to see the weather forecast, mark (bookmark) this place.
It will then be displayed on the front page.
However, this requires registration (membership).
If you find someone you like, please follow them. You can see their photos on the front page.
You need to register account for follow.
You can upload your photos from your PC or smartphone. Currently only JPG photos are supported.
If the photo contains the metadata of the date taken and the latitude / longitude, you hardly need to provide any other information.
You can delete your account in the following ways.
You don't need to delete your account to change your username or Weawow URL.
You can change it on the edit profile page. All followers will remain unchanged.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
If you have taken a photo and have no rights issues, sign up for Weawow. Anyone can create a free Weawow account. An account with PayPal is required to receive royalties.
You may not sell a photo in which someone else owns the copyright, so as not to infringe the person's privacy rights, copyright, or design rights. For more information, see the Photo Sales Guide.
Photo selling guide
At the moment, PayPal is the only way to receive Royalty. Opening a PayPal account is free.
At the moment, you can apply for payment request every time your photo is sold without any minimum amount setting. It takes a week after your payment request to receive money at PayPal. For payment request, you log in and go to transfer menu at marketplace.
If you are not a Japanese citizen or resident, you may be subject to reduce or free tax by withholding tax.Only a person whose photo are sold and ready for receiving money can request withholding tax process. Please contact us directly once you are ready for receiving payment and want to request withholding tax process.
First, sign up for Weawow. Anyone can create a free Weawow account. However, without a payPal account, you cannot buy or sell at this time.
You can't assign ownership of purchased photo's right to another person or entity. The person who purchased the photo or any team member within same entity can use a photo.
At the moment, PayPal is the only way for payment. Opening a PayPal account is free.
Photo can be used only for purposes of news reporting, blog, or Social Networking Service like Facebook etc.
About photo license